With a trio of new LEGO® Magazine now available, it’s time for us to take a look at the new issues and more importantly, the free LEGO gifts which come with each new magazine. This month is full of Minifigure madness as each LEGO magazine includes a limited edition Minifigure or Mini-doll. Speaking of which, this month’s new issue of the LEGO Friends includes another Mini-doll, which is packaged in a cover-mounted blister pack, something new for LEGO, who often provide magazine cover mounts in special foil pouches or polybags. Check out the new issues below. LEGO Magazines are available form most WHSmith high street stores, Sainsbury’s supermarkets and Tesco Extra stores along with selected retailer and independent newsagents.
Availability: August 2nd – September 5th Price: £3.75 Includes: Aaron Minifigure, Combo NEXO Power – Shield of Lighting Ultra Armour
Availability: July 26th – August 28th Price: £3.75 Includes: Limited Edition Cole Minifigure
LEGO Friends Issue 37
Availability: August 2nd – August 29th Price: £3.99 Includes: Mia Mini-doll and Skateboard Set
Issue 5 of the LEGO Specials – LEGO City is still available until August 15th, with the next issue, LEGO Elves, out on August 16th. Thanks to the Immediate Media marketing team for supplying BricksFanz with copies of each of their LEGO magazine titles.