It’s Batman Day, a time to celebrate the world’s greatest detective, and the perfect time to see what bat-themed LEGO® sets are currently available. The Dark Knight may not have got as much LEGO love compared to previous years, but there’s been a couple of interesting new sets released this year and the best is yet to come with a trio of sets launching on October 1st and many more rumoured for 2022. To celebrate Batman Day, it’s time to take a little look at some of the sets currently available plus a look to the future.
76139: 1989 Batmobile
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76161: 1989 Batwing
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76188: Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile
Shop Now: UKIrelandUSCanadaGermanyDenmarkAustraliaNew Zealand
77182: Batman Cowl
Coming Soon: USCanadaUKIrelandGermanyDenmarkAustraliaNew Zealand
40386: Brick Sketches Batman
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76240: Batman Batmobile Tumbler
Pre-order/Coming Soon: UKIrelandUSCanadaGermanyDenmarkAustraliaNew Zealand
76238: Classic TV Series Batman Cowl
Pre-order/Coming Soon: UKIrelandUSCanadaGermanyDenmarkAustraliaNew Zealand
76239: Batman Batmobile Tumbler: Scarecrow Showdown
Pre-order/Coming Soon: UKIrelandUSCanadaGermanyDenmarkAustraliaNew Zealand
As well as the sets currently available and soon to be available, rumours suggest the Bat will be back with force in 2022. There’s a number of sets expected to launch alongside the upcoming new Batman movie. These could include a new Batcave, Batmobile and Batcycle. Plus it’s expected that Batman characters could be added to the LEGO ART range.