Someone at LEGO® South Korea isn’t having a great day, as they have also given us the first look at the new large-scale LEGO Star Wars set. The set will be a full recreation of the Mos Eisley Cantina. Although it follows the new 18+ branding, it is not a UCS set, instead, it uses the Master Builder Series tag. The set will include the Cantina building, a couple of Landspeeders and an impressive 21 Minifigures, many of whom are making their first appearance in LEGO form. And yes there is a Dewback! I can see this being the first large-scale Star Wars set which may not be complained about as much as previous ones. The images only show the outside, so once the official images are released there will be plenty more to pour-over. Images of the set were first published by LEGO South Korea, but have since been removed. Although this technically is a ‘leak’ it was shared by an official LEGO channel
4th September 2020
So this seems a little underwhelming considering Harry Potter fans receive 5000+ bricks and Star Wars fans only get 3000+ bricks for the same price. I know licensing costs a lot but they could have added more including Docking Bay 94 and a scaled down Millennium Falcon with 2000+ more bricks. Then they could have named it the LEGO Mos Eisley Spaceport. I’m sure fans appreciate the number of minifigures but there should have been more iconic characters. Considering there is Kabe, Labria and Hrchek Kal Fas or Elis Helrot? Why not include alien creatures such as Arleil Schous, Feltipern Trevagg, Hem Dazon, Muftak, Nabrun Leids, Takeel & Zutton? What I don’t understand is including Garindan but not the escape scene? Also, there are some smaller buildings but not sure of the significance other than padding out the brick count. Well LEGO did say it would be a Mos Eisley Cantina and they did fulfil on the promise. I’m sure fans will be happy with all the booths and a full bar. I’m very happy they included a new Ubrikkian 9000 Z001 Pod and V-35 Landspeeder rather than yet another X-34 Landspeeder. It’s a shame a Bantha didn’t make it but then again Tusken Raiders don’t appear in Mos Eisley. I thought a Ronto would be included considering they did include a Jawa, rather than just another Dewback. All in all it looks pretty good and I’ll say most fans will buy this playset because it offers so much more than previous years. Finally in 2020 a decent representation of the LEGO Mos Eisley Cantina!
5th September 2020
Regarding the pricing I can see your point but I rather have a mos Eisley cantina that is close to mini fig scale than a spaceport with the hangar and mini millennium falcon. I do not understand that. Now you can buy the cantina and from there build your own MOC of mos Eisley instead of sitting with a lot of micro ships like in cloud city. This set is MOC ready