Back in 2018, a LEGO® House documentary debuted on Netflix. The film offered a unique look behind the scenes of the home of the brick. It follows the creation of the Billund attraction from concept to opening. With interviews from the likes of Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, who shares his passion for the family business, which resulted in creating a focal point to celebrate the brick and the home of the LEGO Group’s history. Now the documentary has left Netflix, it can be watched by all, for free on YouTube. Watch the LEGO House – The Home of the Brick right now.
Author: Adam White
Howdy I'm Adam, The editor of - your go to source for the latest LEGO news, reviews and much, much more. Some of you may know me from other LEGO sites so you'll know I have a good experience of the LEGO community and a deep, passionate commitment to all things LEGO. I specialize in seeking out the latest LEGO news and products, as well as being an expert on all things LEGO gaming. So welcome to BricksFanz - Fuelling Your LEGO Lifestyle.