Power up those Proton Packs and get ready to get bustin’ as the LEGO® Ghostbusters ECTO-1 is now available. Inspired by the upcoming Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie, the set offers the most detailed LEGO version of the iconic Ghostbusters vehicle. Features include a slide-out gunner seat, deployable mobile ghost trap and roof-mounted psychokinetic monitoring equipment. If you’re a VIP member, you’ll also get a free LEGO Ghostbusters: Afterlife poster, with orders placed before November 20th. It’s worth noting that next weekend will see double VIP points and two free gifts. So you may want to wait as if you time it right you may be able to get double points, the poster and the VIP weekend GWP sets. For those in certain countries, the only way to get the set will be online due to non-essential retailers being closed, which includes LEGO and LEGOLAND stores.
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