The second series of LEGO® City Adventures is now airing on Nicktoons in the UK. The animated series brings LEGO City to life and follows the adventures of a host of crazy characters. It’s surprisingly funny, with plenty of gags adults will chuckle at. New episodes air weekdays at 9:30 am and again at 3 pm and 4 am. You can catch up on the first couple of episodes via various on-demand services. Nicktoons can be found on Sky, Virgin Media, BT TV and Talk Talk. LEGO Sets featuring characters from the show are available now from
Author: Adam White
Howdy I'm Adam, The editor of - your go to source for the latest LEGO news, reviews and much, much more. Some of you may know me from other LEGO sites so you'll know I have a good experience of the LEGO community and a deep, passionate commitment to all things LEGO. I specialize in seeking out the latest LEGO news and products, as well as being an expert on all things LEGO gaming. So welcome to BricksFanz - Fuelling Your LEGO Lifestyle.