As we head into a brand new season of the popular animated adventures of NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu, the new-look ninja face an all-new threat in the mysterious biker gang, who call themselves the Sons of Garmadon. As the bki rider fiends terrorise NINJAGO City, they aim is to steal the powerful Oni Masks. These relics of the old realm, each hold the tremendous power. If the Sons of Garmadon unite the Oni Masks, together they have the power to resurrect Lord Garmadon. But who exactly of these mysterious gang of bikers, hell bent on bringing back an evil that once haunted NINJAGO. Learn more about some the villainous new foe below and you can see even more of them in the new LEGO NINJAGO playsets available now from
Ultra Violet
Ultra Violet is a thrill-seeking member of the Sons of Garmadon with all the personality of a viper and an even worse temperament. Nothing seems to faze her, and despite the fact that she is often heard giggling to herself, the only one who seems to “get the joke” is Ultra Violet.
Luke Cunningham
Luke is a member of the Sons of Garmadon, a ruthless biker gang devoted to its mysterious leader, the Quiet One. Determined to steal the powerful Oni Masks, the Sons of Garmadon may be the most dangerous threat the ninja have ever faced.
Mr. E
Mr. E is a member of the Sons of Garmadon, known for the fact that he hides his face behind a mask and never speaks. A master swordsman, he is Zane’s newest nemesis.
Killow is the mean muscled general of the Sons of Garmadon, once he dons the Mask of Deception, he transforms into an even more of a meanie. He pilots the legendary Oni Chopper, which makes Killow more than a match for the mysterious Samurai X.
Snake Jaguar
This mysterious biker isn’t who he seems, Snake Jaguar is actually Zane. The fearless Nindroid, has taken a break from his ninja commitments to infiltrate the Sons of Garmadon using his holographic disguise functions.