LEGO® Loki takes the spotlight in a new original animated series coming soon from Disney, Marvel and LEGO Entertainment. After giving up up his villainous ways, Loki decides to become one of Earth’s mightiest heroes and join the Avengers. But become he can fight alongside the likes of Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America, Loki must become an Avenger in Training. The story of his training will be the focus of a new series of five animated shorts called LEGO Marvel Avengers Loki in Training. The show will link to physical LEGO Marvel sets by featuring the LEGO Marvel Mech Suits. The shorts will air on Disney XD and Disney Now from November 1st, I’d expect them to appear on Disney+ or Netflix in the UK at a later date, as Disney no longer has on-air TV channels. Check out the trailer below.
Author: Adam White
Howdy I'm Adam, The editor of - your go to source for the latest LEGO news, reviews and much, much more. Some of you may know me from other LEGO sites so you'll know I have a good experience of the LEGO community and a deep, passionate commitment to all things LEGO. I specialize in seeking out the latest LEGO news and products, as well as being an expert on all things LEGO gaming. So welcome to BricksFanz - Fuelling Your LEGO Lifestyle.