A brand new episode of the new LEGO® City animated series, No Limits, has been released. The latest episode directly links to the previous LEGO City Adventures show by bringing back Fire Chief Freya. She arrives to take on Btyz in a city-wide Dodgeball match. I know these are only animated shorts but I enjoyed LEGO City Adventures and how it added character to the LEGO City theme, so it’s nice to see No Limit continue that as well as connect to LEGO City Adventures. Check out LEGO City No Limits Dodgeball Mega Challenge below and stay tuned for further episodes.
Author: Adam White
Howdy I'm Adam, The editor of BricksFanz.com - your go to source for the latest LEGO news, reviews and much, much more. Some of you may know me from other LEGO sites so you'll know I have a good experience of the LEGO community and a deep, passionate commitment to all things LEGO. I specialize in seeking out the latest LEGO news and products, as well as being an expert on all things LEGO gaming. So welcome to BricksFanz - Fuelling Your LEGO Lifestyle.