Relive More Of The Magic With LEGO Harry Potter

Relive More Of The Magic With LEGO Harry Potter

Following last weeks advert invasion of LEGO® Harry Potter during Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on ITV, this evening two more Potter moments were recreated during Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Once again using the new LEGO Harry Potter sets and minifigures, a couple of iconic Wizarding World moments have been recreated. First Harry and Ron head to Hogwarts in the flying Ford Anglia, before an unexpected run-in...

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More LEGO Harry Potter Moments Coming To ITV

More LEGO Harry Potter Moments Coming To ITV

For those who caught Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on ITV last Saturday, you may have noticed that a couple of iconic Potter scenes were recreated as stop-motion videos using the new LEGO® Harry Potter sets. Well you’ll get to enjoy a couple more Wizarding World moments this Saturday during the second Harry Potter adventure, The Chamber of Secrets. Relive the magic and get ready to return to Hogwarts with the...

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