Flock Of LEGO Porgs Cause Mischief On Ahch-To
Love them or hate them, the Porgs have been cemented in Star Wars lore after their appearance in The Last Jedi. These lovely bird-like critters have also appeared in two LEGO Star Wars, which is the inspiration for this fun little stop-motion short from LEGO. In it exiled Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker trains Rey in the ways for the Force before being interrupted by a flock of pesky Porgs. Soon Ahch-To is awash with Porgs. Check it out...
Win A Giant Brick-built LEGO Porg With LEGO Star Wars
Earlier today a trio of LEGO® Porgs descended upon London to celebrate the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The loveable Porgs have captured the hearts of most Star Wars fans, and can be found on the island of Ahch-To, living alongside Luke Skywalker and the Caretakers. These larger than life LEGO Porgs took a trip around the capital visiting a number of well known locations including the South Bank, Millennium Bridge, St. Paul’s...