BricksMax LEGO Home Alone Lighting Kit Review
As many of us will have now taken down our decorations, it’s time to look towards Christmas 2022. A few weeks ago I shared my Christmas LEGO display and this year I decided to illuminate it thanks to a light kit from Lightalling/Bricksmax. They kindly provided the kit for free and the kit I was sent was for the LEGO Ideas Home Alone set. LEGO Light kits can be tricky to install but this one has a couple of things to make the...
Game of Bricks Treehouse Light Kit Review
A few months ago, I was sent a light kit for the Stranger Things Upside Down set by Game of Bricks. Now they have sent me the light kit for the LEGO® Ideas Treehouse set. Now this set is a little more advanced than the first one I tackled. The light kit consists of a number of small bags, which contain all the things you need to bring a little light to the Treehouse. Theses include small strip lights, tiny lights which can sit inside...