New LEGO Game Title Partly Revealed
The Facebook page for the mysterious new LEGO® mobile game, has removed more bricks from its title tease. It appears the game will be called LEGO LEGACY: Heroes Unboxed. Once the page hots 400 page likes the full title will be fully uncovered, but as you can see in the image below, it certainly look like ‘LEGACY’ is in the title. There are currently a number of developers working on mobile titles including Gameloft,...
New LEGO Game Ready To Be Revealed
Back in October, a mysterious Facebook page appeared for a new LEGO® game called ‘LEGO Battle Adventure’. Apart from a brief survey and cover image, little was known about this new LEGO game. Well it seems the game is ready to be revealed, as the page has teased a new title for the game; which will be revealed once the page gets more likes and shares. A brief description from a survey connected to the game suggests it will...
New LEGO Battle Adventure App In The Works
It seems a new LEGO® mobile game is in the works. A mysterious Facebook page has appeared for a new mobile app called LEGO Battle Adventure. A survey is also linked to the game, gauging people’s feelings on various aspects of what the game could be and interest in over similar mobile offerings. Although both the page and survey doesn’t offer much in terms of details, it does seem the game will feature Minifigures from the...